domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Community of practice

As teacher Sergio Reyes published in his blog about "Communities of practice" according to an interview to Etienne Wenger:
Teachers need to help each other in the integration of skills and correct changes to guide our learners to get better results. Creating a community of practice is not to feel more superior than others, opposite to that; it means to achieve success with the different knowledge and experiences we have. I can´t understand why people are sometimes kind of selfish and they don´t like to share ideas. Nowadays students need new techniques to learn, we can´t continue teaching in the way of  5 years ago or more, for that reason, teachers with many years of work need to join young teachers and keep on alphabetizing ourselves to alphabetize then our students. As we´ve said along our classes "Technology" is a wondeful resource in education when we use it correctly, it helps teachers and students a lot, besides that keeps us enterteined. 
 Please people we must understand how important is to join forces and work together in the well-being of our society.

Tell me and I´ll forget: show me and I may remember. Involve me and I´ll understand.
Chinese proverb
(Dime y olvidare: muéstrame y recordare. Involúcrame y entenderé)

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